Molby > Appendix > Filter Kit How-to    [Prev][Japanese]

Filter Kit How-to

In the research of chemistry, we sometimes a simple processing of text files. Ruby is particularly suitable for such purposes. To make the use of Ruby easier, Molby provides a special capability called "filter kit" (version 0.6.4 and later). The name originates from the "UNIX" culture, where small programs for text processing are called "filters".

Here is a description of making a filter script. As a demonstration, the filter here is a very simple function; it appends a sequential line number on each line.


To write a filter, we create a new text file, with extention ".rb" or ".mrb". Former is conventional as a Ruby script, but latter may be useful to specify Ruby scripts for Molby.

We start from the following line:

Dialog.filter_kit("Filter Sample", "This is a sample filter.") { |args|

The method Dialog.filter_kit takes two arguments, the window title and the message. It also requires a block, which actually contains the main program.

When the user presses the "Select Files" button and choose files (which can be multiple), the block is executed with the array of the chosen file names as the argument. The block body is written as follows:

1 Dialog.filter_kit("Filter Sample", "This is a sample filter.") { |args| 2 args.each { |fname| 3 fp = open(fname, "r") 4 if fp == nil 5 error_message_box("Cannot open file: #{arg}") 6 next 7 end 8 puts fname 9 a = fp.readlines 10 fp.close 11 File.rename(fname, fname + "~") 12 fp2 = open(fname, "w") 13 a.each_with_index { |ln, n| 14 ln = (n + 1).to_s + " " + ln 15 fp2.print ln 16 } 17 fp2.close 18 }

The above text is saved as "filter_sample.rb" (the filename can be arbitrary except for the extension). Open it with Molby, and you will get the filter running.